Osnivač i direktor “ZENIT-inženjering”-a,
Gostujući profesor na master i doktorskim studijama na Arhitektonskom fakultetu
Univerziteta u Beogradu
Sažeta radna biografija:
- rođen je 1949. god. u Beogradu
- diplomirao 1975. god. na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu
- 1977.god. upisuje postdiplomske studije na katedri za projektovanje Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i obrađuje temu “Mentalna slika”
- 1979. god. postaje redovni član arhitektonske sekcije ULUPUDS-a i dobija status slobodnog umetnika
- 1980. god. osniva grupu “M.E.Č.” koja se kroz mnoštvo izložbi, u zemlji i inostranstvu, javnih nastupa i manifesta obračunava sa vladajućom stručnom praksom
- 1981. god. dobija stipendiju saveznog fonda “Moša Pijade” za studijski boravak u Engleskoj
- 1982. predstavlja Jugoslaviju na XII Pariskom bijenalu – sekcija arhitekture
- 1982. god. postaje član po pozivu radne zajednice arhitekata i dizajnera “Sintum”
- 1990. god. osniva sopstveni arhitektonski biro “ZENIT inženjering” u okviru koga projektuje i realizuje mnoge arhitektonske objekte, urbanistička rešenja i enterijere
- 1999. godine upisuje postdiplomske studije na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, kurs: “Arhitektonsko urbanističko projektovanje”, odobrena magistarska teza “Sinteza u arhitekturi...”
- 1999-2002. god. radi kao naučni saradnik na predmetu Atelje za arhitektonsko projektovanje, po pozivu Katedre za arhitektonsko-urbanističko projektovanje Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
- 2005. god. dobija status istaknutog umetnika
- 2006. god. postaje član Saveta za novo mišljenje Srbije
- 2007. god. naimenovan je za gostujućeg profesora, po pozivu Departmana za arhitekturu Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, na master
diplomskim akademskim studijama, i vodi studio za projektovanje na 9. semestru-
modul Projekat 2 - usmerenje arhitektura
- Izradio je više od 150 projekata od kojih su 52 realizovana i učestvovao na preko 80 izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu (Beograd, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Pariz, Njujork, Vroclav, Volgograd ,Venecija, Grac, Prag...)
- Dobitnik je preko 20 stručnih nagrada i većeg broja društvenih priznanja (Nagrada 24. Oktobarskog Salona, „Borbine“ nagrade za arhitekturu, nagrade „Novosti“ za arhitekturu, dobitnik je GRAND PRIX-a 23. Salona arhitekture u Beogradu i nekoliko drugih priznanja ovog Salona, Nagrade fonda „Aleksandar Šaletić“, kao i više nagrada Salona Arhitekture u Novom Sadu, itd.)
- 2010. dobija Nagradu za životno delo Udruženja likovnih umetnika, primenjenih umetnika i dizajnera Srbije (ULUPUDS)
- 2012. godine u izdanju Arhitektonskog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu izlazi knjiga „Autorska pozicija arhitekte Mustafe Musića“ autorki Marije Josifovski i Olivere Stanković. Knjiga je dobila priznanje salona arhitekture 2012. godine u kategoriji publikacije i nagradu „Lice knjige“ na međunarodnom konkursu za najbolje grafički oblikovanu knjigu u celini, Zagreb 2012.
- Član je strukovnih organizacija; SAS-a, DAB-a, Inženjerske komore Srbije, arhitektonske sekcije ULUPUDS-a, UIA, UNESCO-a, Komisije Skupštine grada Beograda za arhitektonsko oblikovanje
- Musićevi autorski projekti i tekstovi o njegovom graditeljskom opusu objavljeni su u mnogim domaćim i svetskim knjigama i stručnim časopisima (antologija “Post Modern Classicism” Čarlsa Dženksa, “Srpska arhitektura XX veka” prof. Miloša Perovića…; revije “Architectural Design” - London , “A10”- Amsterdam, itd.). Učestvovao je na brojnim stručnim tribinama i predavanjima i bio gost u mnogim TV i radio emisijama …
Mustafa Musić, B.Arch.
The founder and director of "Zenit Inženjering “ (Zenit – Engineering) ,
Visiting Professor at the master’s and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Architecture,
University of Belgrade
Brief resume:
- Born in 1949 in Belgrade
- Graduated in 1975 at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
- In 1977, he enters graduate school at the Department of Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, and works with the topic "Mental image"
- In 1979, he becomes a full member of the Architectural club ULUPUDS (Association of Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia) and is awarded the status of an independent artist
- In 1980, he founds the group "M.E.Č" which, through many exhibitions in the country and abroad, public appearances and manifests, deals with the governing professional practice
- In 1981, he is awarded a grant of federal funds "Moša Pijade" for a study visit to England
- In 1982, he represents Yugoslavia at the XII Paris Biennale – Architecture section
- In 1982, he becomes a member by invitation of the working community of Architects and Designers" Sintum"
- In 1990, he founds his own architectural office "ZENIT engineering" within which he designs and implements many architectural buildings, interior and urban planning solutions
- In 1999, he enrolls in graduate studies at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, study course: "Architecture and Urban Design" with the approved master's thesis "Synthesis in architecture ..."
- From 1999-2002, he works as a research assistant at the Studio for architectural design, at the invitation of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
- In 2005, he acquires the status of an eminent artist
- In 2006, he becomes a member of the “Council for the new thought of Serbia”
- In 2007, he is appointed a visiting professor at the invitation of the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, at master graduate academic studies, and leads the design studio on the 9th semester - module Project 2 - course: architecture
- He has developed more than 150 projects, out of which 52 were implemented and he has participated in over 80 exhibitions in the country and abroad (Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Paris, New York, Wroclaw, Volgograd, Venice, Graz, Prague etc.)
- He has won more than 20 professional awards and a number of state awards (award of the 24th October Salon, "Borba" Award for Architecture, "Novosti" award for architecture, he was awarded the Grand Prix of the 23rd Salon of Architecture in Belgrade and several other awards of this Salon, awards of the "Aleksandar Šaletić" fund as well as several awards of the Salon of Architecture in Novi Sad, etc.).
- In 2010, he receives a Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association of artists, applied artists and designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS)
- In 2012, a book is published by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade entitled "Author’s position of the architect Mustafa Musić" by Marija Josifovski and Olivera Stanković. The book received the award of the Salon of Architecture in 2012 in the category of publications and an award "Lice knjige" (Face of a book) in the international competition for the best graphically designed book as a whole, Zagreb 2012.
- He is a member of the professional organizations of SAS, DAB, Serbian Chamber of Engineers, Architectural Association ULUPUDS, UIA, UNESCO and Commission of the City of Belgrade for architectural design
- Musić’s original projects and texts on his architectural oeuvre have been published in many national and international books and journals (anthology of “Post Modern Classicism" by Charles Jencks,"Serbian architecture of the twentieth century" by professor Miloš Perović...; magazines "Architectural Design" - London,"A10" - Amsterdam, etc. . ). He has participated in numerous professional forums and lectures and was a guest in many TV and radio shows...